Top Qualities In Women


Mia Watts

3 min read

Societal opinions on what is most valued in women can vary greatly. Some believe that the most important attribute is independence, others might value assertiveness or career success. However, statistics show that the primary qualities valued in women tend to be her beauty, caring nature, and empathy.

Most Valued Qualities Of Women:

Note: people could mention multiple traits, so total percentage exceeds 100%.

As seen in the chart, the two most important attributes for a woman are beauty and nurturing/empathy.


What society values in women:

  1. Beauty - 35%
  2. Nurturing/Empathy - 30%
  3. Intelligence - 22%
  4. Honesty - 14%
  5. Ambition - 9%
  6. Hard working - 9%
  7. Money - 8%
  8. Loyalty - 7%