Why Women's Happiness Has Declined Since the 1970s (With Charts)


Mia Watts

3 min read

Here's a staggering reality: despite the numerous advancements in women's rights over the past decades, their reported happiness has decreased.

In today's post, I'll uncover the reasons behind this decline and provide you with a visual guide to understand this trend better.

Ready for a deep dive? Let's jump right in.

The Gender Happiness Gap Over Time

Before diving into the reasons, take a look at this eye-opening chart. It illustrates the happiness trajectory of men and women over the years. Notice the divergence?

Happiness by year

The Weight of Rising Expectations

In a world where women are often told they can "have it all," the immense pressure to juggle multiple roles is palpable.

Balancing a prosperous career, an ideal personal life, and societal expectations can often lead to a wide gap between what's real and what's expected.

Primary Child Care and Househeld Responsibilities High-achieving Men and Women

The Digital Age Dilemma

While connecting us, platforms like Instagram and Facebook also expose women to curated snippets of 'perfect' lives. These seemingly flawless depictions can silently set unrealistic benchmarks, fostering discontent.

Which social media platforms have an impact on your mental health, either positive or negative?

The steady decline in women's happiness since the 1970s isn't just an observation—it's a pressing concern.

Reflect for a moment: How can we use this knowledge to promote a more balanced and happier society? Drop your thoughts in the comments.