How to Quit Porn (The Easy Way)


James Parker

6 min read

Are you looking for a straightforward and effective way to quit porn? This article will help you stop using pornography immediately, painlessly, and permanently. You won't need willpower or feel any sense of deprivation or sacrifice.

If you're like most people, you probably discovered porn at a young age and have used it ever since. The good news is that the method we're discussing here works for everyone. Understanding how to quit porn isn't about making it a forbidden fruit. That approach doesn't treat addiction properly. Porn addicts no more choose to watch porn than heroin addicts choose to become heroin addicts.

In this article, we'll understand psychological factors behind porn addiction and give you easy way to quit. Let's dive right in!

Why Are We Using Porn?

Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to stop using porn? It really comes down to two main reasons:

  1. Human Nature
  2. Societal Brainwashing

Human Nature

Internet porn hooks us by hijacking natural reward mechanisms in our brains. It's like a never-ending pleasure party, a neurotransmitter dopamine is released, that makes us feel good and want more. The more we watch, the more our brains remember and crave it, especially when we see sexy ads or feel stressed.

This process is known as desensitisation. Our brain gets used to the high dopamine levels and needs more to feel the same pleasure. This cycle can make us feel guilty or anxious, which ironically makes us want porn even more. Over time, our brain needs more shocking or new content to get the same 'high'.

We start thinking we need porn to feel good or relaxed, but it's a trap. The real problem is that we're getting tricked into thinking we need it, like a drug. Our brains get so used to it that regular life without porn starts feeling less satisfying. But it's important to remember, porn doesn't really give us anything good, it just keeps us coming back for more.

Societal Brainwashing

Why do we start using porn? A big part of it is brainwashing. It comes from two main sources:
  1. Having an endless options online
  2. Sexy ads all over internet

Our brains aren't prepared for the 'online harem' that internet porn provides. It allows us to see more in minutes than our ancestors saw in a lifetime. At the same time, we're constantly bombarded with sexual images and messages from media. Suggestive pop videos and ads make us think that orgasm is the ultimate goal in life.

This brainwashing doesn't only affect our conscious thoughts. It seeps into our subconscious and influences our behaviour. Despite warnings about the risks of porn use, many people still find it hard to stop. We start believing myths, like porn being necessary for sexual satisfaction or a substitute for real intimacy.

Porn user is forfeiting a lifetime of: Health, energy, wealth, peace of mind, confidence, courage, self-respect, happiness, and freedom. And what do we gain from all these sacrifices? Absolutely nothing.

Things to Beware

A lot of us don't even realize we're hooked on porn. We think we watch it because we enjoy it, but in reality, it's more about needing it. It's like being in a trap where you think porn is making your life less stressful, but it's actually causing more stress.

The real challenge in quitting isn't overcoming the physical addiction to dopamine. The tough part is getting past the belief that porn gives you pleasure. This belief starts from the brainwashing we receive before we even start using porn and gets stronger the more we use it.

Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and others can be just as tempting. They provide the novelty our brains crave and can trick us into thinking they're safe alternatives. In reality, the thrill comes from the search, not the content itself. The addiction doesn't care where it gets its fix from, so it's important to be cautious with all forms of digital media.

The Easy Way to Stop

Quitting porn might seem daunting, but it's surprisingly easy. Here's a simple guide to help you stop:

  1. Make the decision that you are never going to watch porn again.
  2. Don't mope about it. Rejoice.
Here are some crucial points to keep in mind:
  1. Believe You Can Do It. Remember, you're capable of quitting. The only person who can make you watch porn is yourself.
  2. Recognize the Gains. Understand that you're not losing anything by quitting porn. Instead, you're gaining health, happiness, and a better quality of life.
  3. No Peeking. There's no such thing as just one peek. Pornography is a chain reaction, and even a small indulgence can pull you back in.
  4. See Porn for What It Is. Acknowledge that porn is not a harmless habit but a form of drug addiction. Face it head-on and remember that the longer you leave it, the worse it gets.
  5. Separate the Disease from Yourself. Understand that you are not your addiction. Given the chance, anyone would choose to go back to the time before they were addicted. You have that chance now.

By making a final decision and seeing yourself as a non-user, you change your identity. Don't wait for the addiction to fade; start living your life to the fullest right away. Remember that the key to an easy quit is certainty and a positive attitude.

The Withdrawal Period

When you decide to stop watching porn, you might experience withdrawal pangs for up to three weeks. These pangs come from two main sources:

  1. Dopamine Withdrawal - empty, insecure sensation, similar to hunger. It's a craving, a sense of 'something I must do.'
  2. Psychological Triggers - Caused by commercials, online browsing and etc.

Although these withdrawal pangs don't cause physical pain, they can be very powerful. Just like hunger can make you irritable when you don't eat, your body can crave the dopamine rush from porn, even though it's not a necessity like food. After a few days of abstaining, the craving for dopamine diminishes.

The harder part is dealing with the psychological triggers. They can happen during routine activities or in response to certain cues. Instead of feeling deprived when a pang hits, remind yourself, "This is just the addiction leaving my body, and I'm better off without it."

During these three weeks, you will be tempted to revisit porn, thinking it's just a harmless boost. But remember, porn creates the problem it pretends to solve. Instead of giving in to these urges, focus on the freedom and the benefits you're gaining by quitting.

Lastly, don't doubt your decision to quit. Remember why you started this journey and the benefits you're aiming for. Each moment without porn is a step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Soon, you won't have to remind yourself why you don't need porn; you'll naturally realize it.

Just One Little Peek

Many people trying to quit porn fall into the trap of thinking "just one little peek" won't hurt. This is a common mistake, especially when using willpower alone. After a few days of abstinence, they sneak a peek, thinking it will help them get by. However, this small action can seriously harm their progress.

It's important to remember that the first time most users peeked at porn, it wasn't as satisfying as a real intimate experience. The seemingly harmless clips do little more than deceive the conscious mind into thinking, "That wasn't so bad; I'm getting over it." But actually, this is far from the truth. Enjoying an orgasm isn't the main reason you're trying to quit porn. The real reason is to stop feeding the addiction inside you. Every peek, no matter how small, is like a feast for this addiction, undoing all your hard work.

The dangers of 'just one peek' are twofold:
  1. Keeps the addiction alive in your body.
  2. Reinforces the false idea that porn is precious and desirable.

Think of porn as a mouse trap. The willpower method is like trying not to go for the cheese. However, this easy method helps you see that there's no cheese at all - only poison. You don't need to resist it; you just need to recognize that it's harmful and not something you want.

Always remember: the habit of 'just one peek' is exactly how the addiction starts. Avoiding this trap is key to successfully quitting porn for good.


When quitting porn, some people think using substitutes like magazines, static images, or a 'porn diet' might help. But this is a mistake. These substitutes don't ease the process; they actually make it harder. Using them can prolong your cravings and trick you into thinking you need porn to fill a void. It's like giving in to a hijacker or a child's tantrum, only keeping the addiction alive.

Here are some key points to remember:
  1. No Real Substitutes. There's no substitute for porn that can make quitting easier. Substitutes just keep you hooked on the same cycle.
  2. Porn is Not Necessary. Remind yourself that porn is not essential like food; it's harmful. When you feel cravings, remind yourself that these are withdrawal pangs. See these pangs as the death throes of the addiction.
  3. Internet porn doesn't fill any gaps in your life. It creates them.
  4. Avoid anything resembling porn. This includes certain magazines, movies, and some commercials.

Remember, trying to quit porn by using milder forms of it is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. It's not about finding a substitute; it's about breaking free from the need for porn entirely. Recognize that porn is a trap. Substitutes are part of that trap. By recognizing this, you can free yourself more effectively. Then, enjoy life without this addiction burden.

Now, I'd like to hear from you. Are you going to give this method a try? Let me know in comments below.